The Chase Begins

A build for the Isles of Aura. I used SNOT slopes to make the floor pattern mixed with studs up 2×2 tiles.

Dear Journal,

After seeing a sign indicating that mercenaries, and bounty hunters were needed to hunt down a man simply known as ‘the Cap’n’, who had apparently become a significant trouble to the kingdom, I reported to the Town Hall to sign up for the mission. Inside I found a colonel  overseeing the hiring, several soldiers keeping watch over the proceedings, and the usual clerks about their business. The contract was straight forward: only the first man to capture the rogue and bring him safely to the Realm of Vermilion would receive the the large bounty. As I signed the contract, along with several other men, I was surprised to see what appeared to be a young gentleman who looked to be a  bit of a dandy, arrive. He talked to the Colonel privately for a moment, then turned to address us all. To my surprise, he apparently was going after the Captain himself, and he suggested we all work together to capture him, and then split the reward. For this purpose, he proposed to host a feast the next day, and our discussion of plans to occur there. The others agreed readily enough, but I had my doubts as to his true intentions, and thus had no plans of showing up, but planned to depart on the first ship I could find heading towards where the Captain had last been known to be operating.

-Vigr Bardagi



  1. Nice work Isaac! I really like the flooring. Btw, what do you use as a backdrop?

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