Featured Tutorial: Patrick B.’s Wooden Wall Technique

This is the second installment in our guest tutorial feature. Patrick B. is our guest this month, and he will be sharing how to construct one of his excellent wooden walls:

Picture 1

“Let´s start with the basic construction of the facade. One 4×10 plate will make up the base. Then you have to add four 1×4 tiles on the plate.

Picture 2

Next you have to take fourteen 1×2 bricks to make the outer casing, which is two bricks high.

Picture 3

After that, you need to put one 2×10 plate, two 1×3 plates and one 1×4 plate up on the construction.

Picture 4

Then you have to take four 1×4 tiles and put them on the plate.

Picture 5

Next comes the most important part. Take two 1×2 jumpers plates and one 1×2 tile and put them together. In total you have to do that ten times for first floor to create the design of the facade.

Picture 6

As you can see, you have to take those parts now and put them in the construction we made before.

Picture 7

After that the first floor is finished and we can start with the second, which works the same way.

Picture 8

Take fourteen 2×1 bricks for the outer casing.

Picture 9

Then you have to put the following plates (one 2×10, two 1×3 and one 1×4) up on the construction.

Picture 10

After that you create the design of the facade by using the 1×2 jumper plates and the 1×2 tiles.

Picture 6

Now the second floor is finished.

Picture 11

This technique can be used for several other designs too, for instance you can take 1×2 tiles in dark brown instead of tan or even 1×4 tiles. When you want to use 1×4 tiles you must watch out that the outer casing needs to be three 1×2 bricks + two plates high.

Picture 12

Here are some examples:

Picture 13

Picture 14

Finally, here are two creations where I used that facade technique.”


Thank you, Patrick, that is a very useful technique!








  1. Wow, that is very creative, wouldn’t have though of that… 😛

  2. Awesome, I’ll have to use this sometime 🙂

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