A Healthy Start: Build Log

This is a bit of a different type of build log than we usually do on Brickbuilt – rather than focusing on the progress of the actual build, we’ll be taking a look at the various changes the photography setup went through.

I knew I wanted to have the eggs in a frying pan for the picture, so I started out by grabbing a nice cast iron skillet, and a small cutting board to put the avocado slices on. After snapping a picture though, I knew that it would need a bit more work.

The first change I made was pretty simple – just adding a fork to the front corner. I thought it was a bit distracting though, and ended up taking it out.

With the fork taken out, I re-positioned the knife, which seemed completely out of place before. The plate was another idea to add more interest to the picture, but took the focus away from eggs.

With this next try we tried changing the angle of the picture, as well as adding a mug to the top corner.

Another angle we tried with the same setup as above.

The picture was getting close, but just seemed a little… flat, to both of us. This led to Isaac suggesting that we lay the tomato slices on top of each other, to break up the flatness of the contents in the frying pan. It looked better, but wasn’t quite what I wanted still.

Adding another tomato slice helped fill up the pan a little more, but there was still just a little too much empty space.

The final additions were some dark green leaves as kale, and a few broken reddish brown parts for pepper on the eggs. I was happy with the setup of the picture now, and just needed to touch it up with a little editing.

Some color and brightness adjustments were made including some individual edits to the tomatoes and kale to make sure they popped well in the photo.

And this is the final product!

Thanks for reading, and let us know in the comments if you like this type of build log – we’ll probably have more of them coming!

One Comment:

  1. Nice build log, enjoy reading these food build logs! Please make some more.

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