Land of Rauor: Micro Civilization

I built these four micros as prizes for the 2016 Summer Joust, Guild Creation category which is: Assemble a team of builders, and create your own faction and develop the buildings, landscape, and lifestyle of this group through multiple creations. Realistic, or fantasy factions are acceptable. Teams should consist of 2-4 members, and a maximum of 4 builds is allowed for the category. So if you have 4 team members, each person would create 1 build. If you only have two members, each can create 2 builds, and so on.

These 4 builds were meant to fit the category, so I focused on different aspects of the same civilization: castle, town, farm, and landscape. I chose to name it the Land of Rauor, as Rauor is the Norse word for red and I used red roofs to help tie all the models together.

One Comment:

  1. Cool! I’ve been watching on InnovaLUG as it showed one by one that you had posted one 🙂

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