Winter Feast: Build Log

Here’s the final build log from my series of builds about Apple Cider production from last year’s CCC. Out of the five models this was easily my favorite, so I hope you enjoy this look behind the scenes!

I was very inspired by this artwork, and borrowed most of the layout from that scene. It had been quite some time since I had built one of my wooden Norse models, so I had fun using lots of reddish brown and dark brown.

The fireplace achieves its unique shape through the use of brick modified with stud and brackets to give a smooth seam between the cheese slopes. 1×4 lattices are one of my favorite elements to use for medieval windows, and they fit this scene very well.

The focus of the build was a large feast, so I needed an elaborate table design. A SNOT table surface allowed me to incorporate a tablecloth and achieve smooth rounded ends.

Just below the table I put in a carpet which once again uses SNOT elements to allow more intricate detailing. Though it ended up mostly hidden in the finished model.

All the chairs were actually connected, as I find it generally saves time in the long run to attach as many furnishings as possible. That way you’re not constantly trying to reposition everything when it comes time for photography.

After tiling the walls with friends flowers at top and bottom to add some intricate wood carving detail, the room was looking pretty good, but still needing some more touches of color. So I experimented with some banners on the end wall.

I wasn’t at all pleased with the prefab flags solution, and at this point John asked why I didn’t go dark blue and gold to match the source art. The green and gold scheme were used before since I knew I would be posting this as a Mitgardian free build. But at his suggestion I tried dark blue which allowed for the use of nexo knight shields in the banners, and an impressive printed banner from the chima line.

I liked the result much better, and at that point was able to start fleshing out the scene with all the extra furnishings and minifigures. I think the only changes I made after this were removing the SNOT friends flowers from the sides of the reddish brown half arches, and adding transparent plates to the back of the lattices.

Giving this as the final result. I was very pleased with how the photos turned out, and think the colors work super nicely together. If you’re curious about how the green and gold version would have looked complete, I did end up finishing that version as well and posting it in GoH.

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