Here is round 19 in our series of Finest Creations! Check out previous rounds here. Our system works as follows: John and I each choose 5 of our best creations…
This is my planet for the Space Spheres Flash MOC on InnovaLUG.The space station was especially fun to build, and as the planet itself somewhat resembles a donut I apparently…
This guide covers a bed, small cupboard, bookshelf, and throne. First is the bed design Isaac came up with for use in Noctura’s Keep.A simple platform of plates is used…
This is round 18 in our series of Finest Creations. If you are interested in seeing previous rounds, you can find those here. Our system works as follows: John and…
These are some more models we contributed to the Eurobricks Potion Shoppe display. You can see the full display on Eurobricks. Naturally I had to sneak some food items in!…
This is a handy technique for small towers or columns. 1×1 round plates and travis bricks make up the core. This assembly will be repeated and stacked atop each other…
Here is yet another furniture guide covering four medieval designs. First is a large book case I designed for use in my Royal Dance scene. Some plates and tiles are…
It’s been a little while since our last tutorial with all the Summer Joust prizes we’ve been busy with. This guide covers a simple technique for combining macaroni tiles with…